Love Foods
Oh the food of luuurve…… are you looking for that ‘special meal’ to tempt a loved one? But you might not be a big fan of oysters…that’s the usual one that always springs to mind when you talk about love food.
Psychology today reported that in the Autumn we are more likely to fall in love and have a longer lasting relationship, than in the summer, when people have shorter relationships. The winter is the time when we are least likely to meet someone, but this could be due to us not going out as much, with less activities and not being as happy as in the summer time.
Dr Oz recommends men to:
Get enough sleep since testosterone is made during sleep,
Get physically active and avoid opioid pain killers, since one of the side effects, negatively affects testosterone production.
Dopamine is our feel good hormone which makes us feel great, it’s like a sudden rush of excitement.
Other Than Love Foods Things That Release Dopamine Include:
Smelling- certain plants such as flowers, mint, cinnamon, ginger, and nitric oxide gases.
Touching- from cold surfaces to hot surfaces, a change in conditions.
Listening- to some exciting music, fast or loud music.
Risk-taking– Watching a scary movie, or going on a scary ride at a theme park
Quenching a deep thirst- Doing exercise for relaxation such as pilates or yoga, or doing cardio exercise to boost your energy levels.
Laughing and visualization also help to release dopamine.
Eating seemingly dangerous foods such as spicy, hot, icy, crispy and fluffy foods also supposedly lead us to release more dopamine. Eating herbs and spices can also play a part in increasing dopamine levels- making us feel happier, spice such as basil, black pepper, cayenne pepper, chilli pepper, flaxseeds, mustard seeds, tarragon and turmeric, rosemary and sesame seeds.
This is another of our sex hormones, which is released by women when in labour, helping them naturally bond with their child. Also known as the cuddly hormone, it takes longer in a relationship to be released than dopamine and is released by touching, and hugging and helps you bond with your partner.
Eating good quality protein is important, due to its Dopamine connection, making us feel good, converted into a neurotransmitter that converts dopamine into serotonin.
Foods containing Vitamin E are also important because they help improve circulation which is important to keep the blood flowing through the body for a healthy sex life.
Good sources of Vitamin E are good love foods, such as almonds and hazelnuts, spinach, kiwis, cereals, sunflower seeds, eggs, butternut squash and olive oil.
Vitamin A is important since it regulates the synthesis of the sex hormone Progesterone. Impotence has been related to low levels of this vitamin. Foods such as tomatoes, watermelon, mangos, butter, spinach, broccoli, cheese, tuna, pecans and pistachios.
Vitamin C helps improve overall circulation and blood flow to your arteries foods such as lemons, limes, oranges, blackcurrants, peaches, peppers, kale, Brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes are all good sources.
B- Vits
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) is needed for optimal nerve transmission and energy production, you can find it in sunflower seeds, different types of beans such as black beans, navy beans, and pinto beans, barley, green peas, lentils and oats.
B-3 (niacin) enhances sexual flush increasing blood flow to the skin and mucous membranes to intensify an organism. Food sources include fish, chicken and turkey, pork, liver, peanuts, portabello mushrooms, sunflower seeds and avocados.
Selenium- half of a mans selenium is lost through semen after an organism, it is important for sperm production and mobility. Food sources include brazil nuts, oysters, fish (tuna), wholewheat bread, sunflower seeds, beef and lamb, chicken and turkey, crimini mushrooms, and rye.
Zinc is essential for the production of testosterone and other sex hormones in both men and women
Essential Fatty Acids form part of the building blocks of sex hormones, therefore they are an important role in a healthy sex life.
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